When you think of oral health, you probably think of brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups. While these are the staples to good oral health, several lifestyle habits can have a significant impact on the health of your teeth. 

From seemingly harmless behaviors to common daily activities — read on to learn eleven surprising habits that may be harming your teeth and where to find the best comprehensive family dentistry in Central New Jersey. 

11 Habits You Didn’t Know Were Harming Your Teeth

You already know that brushing and flossing regularly is important for healthy teeth and gums. However, if you have any of the following habits, you may be putting yourself at risk for chipping, staining, or developing cavities. 

1. Diet High in Sugar

You already know that a healthy diet is important for your overall physical health, but did you know that your diet also impacts your oral health? 

Foods and drinks that contain sugar can both have a negative effect on your oral health. Similar to sugary drinks, alcohols like beer, wine, and mixed drinks can also increase your risk of tooth decay and gum disease. 

Foods that can improve your oral health include:

  • Fiber-rich fruits and vegetables
  • Cheese, milk, plain yogurt, and other dairy products
  • Green tea or black tea — as long as you brush well because they can cause teeth staining
  • Sugar-free chewing gum
  • Water containing added fluoride 

2. Brushing Teeth and Gums Too Hard

Brushing your teeth and gums is essential for maintaining good oral hygiene. However, brushing too hard can actually do more harm than good.

For most people, using a toothbrush with hard bristles can wear away the enamel on your teeth, making you more susceptible to cavities and decay. A hard-bristled toothbrush can also cause your gums to recede, which can lead to tooth sensitivity and even tooth loss. To avoid this, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush with a gentle, circular motion. 

3. Biting Your Nails

Biting your nails is not only an unsanitary habit, but it can also harm your teeth. When you bite your nails, you put your teeth under unnecessary stress and pressure, which can cause your teeth to shift or even chip over time.

4. Chewing Ice

Chewing ice may seem harmless, but it can be quite damaging to your teeth. The hard, cold texture of ice can cause microscopic cracks in your teeth, which can lead to much bigger dental problems down the line.

If you frequently chew ice, you may also be putting unnecessary pressure on your teeth and jaw. This may eventually lead to soreness and discomfort. In some cases, this can even result in a condition called temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ).

5. Clenching or Grinding Your Teeth

If you clench or grind your teeth, you are not alone. About 13% of adults have sleep bruxism — a condition when you clench and grind your teeth unconsciously, usually when you are sleeping. This can cause serious damage to your teeth over time.

Stress can also cause you to clench and grind your teeth. Managing your stress through things like exercise, therapy, and meditation can help.

If you find yourself clenching and grinding your teeth, or your dentist notices that you have evidence of clenching and grinding, they may recommend a mouthguard or other treatment options to help. 

6. Smoking

Cigarettes contain ingredients that can cause your teeth to become yellow or brown over time. Smoking not only stains your teeth, but it also increases your risk of developing gum disease — also called periodontal disease — which can lead to tooth loss.

Smoking can also affect your oral health in other ways, such as:

  • Causing bad breath
  • Developing dry mouth
  • Decreasing your sense of taste
  • Slowing the healing process after dental procedures

If you're a smoker, you can talk to your doctor or dentist about resources and support to help you quit smoking.

7. Sucking Your Thumb

Sucking your thumb is a common habit among young children. However, if this habit continues past toddlerhood, it can cause misaligned teeth and an uneven bite.

Additionally, thumb-sucking can also cause changes to the shape of the roof of the mouth, which can cause speech problems later on. It's important to address thumb-sucking early on to prevent dental issues.

8. Using Toothpicks

Using toothpicks may seem like a harmless way to remove food particles stuck between your teeth, but it can actually harm your teeth and gums, including: 

  • Causing injury to your gums
  • Cause tiny chips or cracks in your teeth
  • If you use the same toothpick multiple times, you risk introducing bacteria into your mouth, which can cause infections

If you must use a toothpick, use a fresh toothpick each time and use gentle pressure to retrieve stuck food particles. 

9. Using Your Teeth As a Tool

Most of us are guilty of using our teeth to rip open a bag of chips or tear off a piece of tape at some point, but this is actually a really bad habit. Using your teeth as a tool can cause serious damage to your teeth and gums, which will require cosmetic dentistry to fix. 

10. Soda and Sugary Treats

When you consume sugary drinks or snacks, the sugar can combine with the bacteria in your mouth to form acid. This acid can erode the enamel on your teeth and lead to cavities and tooth decay. 

To protect your teeth, it's important to limit your intake of sugary drinks and snacks. If you do indulge, be sure to brush and floss well soon afterward.

11. Avoiding the Dentist

For some people, feeling nervous or anxious about visiting the dentist gets in the way of regular visits. However, avoiding your dental exams can have a harmful impact on your oral health. Skipping your regular check-ups can put you at risk for: 

  • Cavities
  • Gum disease
  • Oral cancer
  • Chronic bad breath

Skipping out on your regular dental visits also puts you at risk for dental emergencies and other health risks like heart problems. 

Where to Find Personalized Dental Care in Central New Jersey

The best thing you can do for your oral health is get regular check-ups and cleanings. At Smiles Family Dentistry, you’re more than a patient; you’re part of the Smiles Family. 

With the most advanced dental technology and a patient-focused approach to dentistry, Smiles Family Dentistry is a leader in best-practice dentistry. Our success shows with our expansion to three locations that serve the Central New Jersey communities of Monmouth Junction, Robbinsville Twp in Mercer County, and Hillsborough. Each of our locations is staffed by our team of expert dentists and offers full-service preventative dentistry, as well as cosmetic and emergency dentistry. 

Ready to get personalized recommendations to improve your oral health?